San Piero main Square


Location: Bagno di Romagna, IT

Year: 2022

Type: International Competition, Third Prize

Status: Completed

Team: Flavio Martella, Maria Vittoria Tesei

The project aims to give centrality and innovation back to the main square of the village of San Piero in Bagno, with the objective of restoring the connections between the different elements, both natural and man-made, present in the context and to deliver to the community a new multi-functional and flexible space suitable for citizens of all ages.
The design recalls the original layout of the square, dating back to the 19th century. The square thus returns to being both a stairway and a meeting place in the area in front of the church of San Pietro in Vincoli, and as a garden in front of the Town Hall. However, this original articulation is emphasised and transported to present and future needs, transforming the stairway into a multifunctional element useful for various collective purposes, and the garden into an even more naturalistic element necessary for the protection and enhancement of local biodiversity. The intervention area thus rediscovers both its social and natural dimension, uniting the human and non-human spheres, in the full spirit of aggregation and respect required in the contemporary era, while at the same time respecting local history and the richness of the existing architectural heritage.

© m²ft architects

Maria Vittoria Tesei

Flavio Martella

Morenés Arteaga 7, 2b

28019 Madrid, 


(IT) +39 3409002813/+39 3295865967

(ES) +34 671135279/+34 611685853