Reactivation of Tiburtino Neighbourhood


Location: Rome, IT

Year: 2018

Type: International Competition

Status: Completed

Team: Flavio Martella, Maria Vittoria Tesei


The project seeks an activation of the Tiburtino urban fabric by proposing the generation of new multifunctional areas in which the inhabitant is the first actor in the city’s vitality.
The intervention focuses mainly on the three areas of Via Cupa, Galla Placidia and Quintiliani, but is not limited to these. In fact, it seeks the enhancement and integration with the pre-existing neighbourhood through the design and insertion of diffuse interventions. The interconnection and flexibility of all the numerous interventions proposed places the citizen in the foreground, encouraging him towards a close relationship with the territory and the city, which will allow the spontaneous emergence of a new form of living Rome. Re-establishing and rediscovering the relationship between inhabitant and city allows the development of an urban vitality rare in Rome, which guarantees total resilience and sustainability to the neighbourhood. Architecture therefore does not stand alone as the only force capable of generating urban space, but seeks the involvement of several fundamental entities in the process, thus reinforcing the possibility of assimilation of the intervention into the existing city fabric, and provoking in the latter a substantial improvement in existing conditions and possibilities.

© m²ft architects

Maria Vittoria Tesei

Flavio Martella

Morenés Arteaga 7, 2b

28019 Madrid, 


(IT) +39 3409002813/+39 3295865967

(ES) +34 671135279/+34 611685853