Team: Flavio Martella, Maria Vittoria Tesei, Damiano Forconi, Proges Engineering, IA2 Studio Associato
The new building is a catalyst to improve the urban behaviour of the area, but it is also an expression of renewed pedagogical concepts compared to the existing building. Internally, the school is articulated around a nodal area that acts as the main connector of all the different activities proposed inside. This area is developed in double height on both floors of the building and functions as a sort of filter to the various realities of the school, allowing for a better articulation, as well as facilitating the parallel presence of activities within the school. A school Agora in which students and teachers are free to experiment with new forms of learning and teaching, and which is connected to all the other nodal areas of the complex: the classrooms, laboratories, gymnasium, library and refectory. All these activities open up towards the Agora and establish a continuous visual dialogue between them, fostering a greater sense of inclusiveness and security necessary to improve the quality of learning. The connective itself is transformed into a place for students to interact and share, moving from the concept of ‘corridor’ to that of ‘free space’.